Pot boiled over for Denver-based company

April 27, 2015

Colorado’s recreational marijuana legalization has smoked out Little Spider Creations, a manufacturer of scary items in Denver for 24 years, whose owner told 9News that he recently moved the company to North Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Little Spider owner Marc Brawner told 9News that too many employees were coming in high after the drug was legalized for recreational use in 2012. He was firing too many people and made the decision to move. The company, which builds things that go bump in the night for haunted houses, museums and amusement pars, had 47 full-time employees.

“The main reason we pulled out was because of marijuana, ” Brawner told 9News. “Half of the sculptors will come in high. As soon as we’d catch it, they’d be let go. We went through 25 sculptors. Only five of (our sculptors) either were quality or would show up unimpaired.”

Brawner said employees were just not as productive and had an “it’s-good-enough” attitude when they reported for work under the influence.

The Colorado native told 9News that it was a difficult decision to move his family and his company. But he said he didn’t see things changing, and the pot use was the final straw.

A spokesperson for Mountain State Employers said Little Spider Creations was the first company that has moved out of state because of legal marijuana.

The Colorado-based employment service takes several calls from employers asking for advice on what to do if an employee comes into work high.

Watch the whole story at www.9news.com/story/news/local/2015/04/23/little-spider-creations-marijuana-employees/26241529/.


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