Pay it forward with a random act of kindness

April 20, 2015

On April 10, Gov. John Hickenlooper, backed by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, Southwest Airlines and The Biennial of the Americas, advocated for travelers to perform a random act of kindness as he stood outside a Southwest Airlines gate at Denver International Airport.

“There are hundreds of opportunities for random acts of kindness,” Hickenlooper said. “On Southwest, it might be letting that mother and two kids get into a row and let them have a place where they can all sit together. Our belief is the more people do a greater number of these random acts of kindness the better the world is. I think it lifts everyone up.”

#StateOfKind Challenge asks Colorado citizens to collectively perform 10,000 acts of kindness in the six months between Hickenlooper’s inauguration Jan. 13 and the third annual Biennial of the Americas event on July 14.

For more information, go to

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation was established in 1995 as an internationally recognized nonprofit, headquartered in Denver, dedicated to inspiring people to practice kindness and pass it on to others. RAK provides free online resources to encourage acts of kindness across the globe, specifically in school communities.

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