Curtain comes down on D Note Saturday

December 31, 2014

D Note, the venue that rocked Olde Town Arvada for 12 years, will play its last note on Saturday. Owners Dave and Mernie Rosenberg, who bought the family-friendly club from the DeGraff family in 2013, are calling it quits, according to Westword.

According to the story, “Dave Rosenberg says they fell behind on rent and told the landlord they’d catch up by the year (end), but the landlord ‘decided there were other people more interesting to have in there other than us,’ says Rosenberg. ‘So they pulled our lease. That’s the way it goes.’

“‘It’s a tough business,’ Rosenberg adds. ‘We tried to do right by the bands. It’s just that Olde Town is changing a little bit. I don’t know if it’s a good thing that we’re getting out but we’ll find out down the road.”

Rosenberg blamed in part the light rail construction which has all but wiped out parking in Olde Town. “‘Two years when construction’s all done when that train’s running I have a feeling it will be really nice, but for the next two years it’s going to be a tough time in Olde Town.’

“Rosenberg says he’s also trying to put together a fundraiser for the doorman, who’s been at the D Note since the beginning, but who is sick and has been basically bedridden for the last nine months.

“Since taking over the venue, Rosenberg says every weekend was a good memory and there’s nothing like live music at the D Note.

“‘…(D Note has) been like the heart of Olde Town for the last 12 years as far as bringing people in. People come from all over the city down to see shows there, and they’ve never even heard of Olde Town Arvada before. It’s kind of put the place on the map.'”

The club’s website says the final act will be Zyzzyx Road, a band that plays classic rock, blues and original songs band. For tickets, go to


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