Holiday cheer at Cherry Creek Shopping Center

December 2, 2013

Denver’s major mall, Cherry Creek Shopping Center, has a list of holiday events aimed at rewarding the “nice” (not “naughty”) folks in your world.

* The annual “Santa Claws & Paws” event takes place from 7 to 10 p.m. Dec. 8 where pet owners can bring their four-legged friends to the mall to get their photos snapped with Santa.

* The annual “Signing Santa” event on Dec. 11 hosts students from area schools that serve the deaf and hard of hearing community who come visit the Santa who signs so the kids can let the big man know their Christmas wish lists.

* The Original Dickens Carolers will be caroling on weekends through Dec. 8 then every day from Dec. 14 through Christmas Eve.

(Cherry Creek Shopping Center photo)

(Cherry Creek Shopping Center photo)