Here’s how to donate turkey dinners to famlies in need

November 19, 2013

Local piano woman Rekha Ohal is spearheading an effort to gather sponsors to buy a turkey dinner with all the trimmings for families in need.

“The sponsor first must get a recipient family’s name from me (, then goes to the Safeway at E. Mississippi and Peoria (it’s 12200 E. Mississippi to be exact), purchases the dinner for $49.99 and puts the name of the recipient family on the box.  The family comes and picks it up from the Safeway themselves (on Nov. 25),” Ohal said.

She is working with Mission Supports (a nonprofit dedicated to helping folks who are developmentally challenged and have no resources) and Goodwill Programs.  “They have supplied me with names of families who would either have to go to a soup kitchen or go without on Thanksgiving Day,” she said.

Here are the contents of the turkey dinner, which feeds between 6-8 people: a 10-12 pound cooked turkey, two pounds of stuffing, three pounds of mashed potatoes, 24 ounces gravy, 15 ounces cranberry sauce, one dozen dinner rolls and an eight-inch pumpkin pie.

Potential sponsors can e-mail Ohal and get a family name and instructions.

Rekha Ohal is seeking sponsors to help feed families at Thanksgiving. ( photo)

Rekha Ohal is seeking sponsors to help feed families at Thanksgiving. ( photo)