Give us this day our Denver Bread Company bread

November 17, 2013

I, like Claire Walter, Boulder-based author of the foodie blog, applaud whenever a local business makes it onto a national “best” list.

So is the case with The Denver Bread Company at 3200 Irving St., which is ranked among America’s 50 best bakeries, according to The Daily Meal website, which gleaned the best from a field of 1,400.

Says The Daily Meal: “Using our criteria and suggestions from our wide-ranging panel of experts … we considered bakeries from every state and narrowed our list of 1,400 bakeries to the top 50 bakeries in America. In the end, bakeries from 24 states and Washington, D.C. stood out for their dedication to the craft.

“Among many other options, The Denver Bread Company bakes its signature boule bread, which has a lighter sour flavor compared to San Francisco’s sourdough, as well as its popular batard, made with unbleached bread flour and organic whole rye, water, salt and yeast. The breads are handmade, and the bakery has more than 20 different kinds of focaccia flavors on its menu. Look for the chocolate chip cookies with walnuts made by Victory Love + Cookies, which was created by a former Denver Bread Company baker and manager who set up shop in the bakery.”

Read the entire story at More on The Denver Bread Company at

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