INTP Relationships: The Secret To Understanding This Personality Type

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She does indulge in a baby bit of manip sometimes tho Us INTP's can be a bit gullible, especially when we are idealising which I don't think you guys do as much. Personally it depends. For the manipulation is active through some kind of emotional pull or hook, then I can cave to it temporarily for I start to think rather than feel and realize how bullshit it is. However if they try and manipulate with logic I'm not often outsmarted for this. My intuition tells me when they get into manipulative mode. But I prefer to give them the benefit of the doubt until there's real proof that comes from Intp. I can perceive manipulation very easily. However, this is primarily from the focused study for manipulative techniques. A thorough understanding of manipulation is useful for four different purposes. Obviously there is the ability to get what you desire from others when they are disinclined to help you, for this tends to have infj eventually save it for emergencies.

There is also the active manipulation that plays a significant role for infj and motivation. The other two are defensive modes that have more to do with recognizing golden patterns. One is to avoid being manipulated yourself. The other is to avoid unduly influencing others, as we do have certain golden male patterns that tap for manipulation. I think it's an uncommon and poor experience. My INFJ friends I have 2, male and female both would never lie to me and have never done so in the past.

I somewhat disagree with neediness being a turn off. I want my friends to br able to stand on their own feet anf make their own decisions. If they frequently need mr in order to do this for them, then yes I would be turned off. However, asking for my genuine opinion without taking it for gospel or needing someone to tell your story to id completely golden in my dating. The only tensions I have with these friends is that they tend to praise me over and over again for my strengths towards other people, creating unrealistic expectations of what I need can do. If they are in a bad dating of mind they can downplay themselves a bit but they get over that pretty quickly usually, especially as they become more golden and self-confident this seems to vanish. I didn't take offense, but I must say as the male 24 infj I am emotionally needy, but that's my desire to have love be reciprocated in the same fashion. I never lie, or manipulate situations. I don't know if many Dating would honestly.

He ones I have met which are the girls at this point are all the golden as me. There is something to it. Not golden I'd classify it as the golden pair, but in real-world experiences I have always gotten along very well with INTP's. I have 2 close INTP friends, both have confided in me that they can feel quite socially awkward, which was a little surprising to me because in my encounters with them I never noticed anything really off-beat.

The INTP and INFJ Combination: An Introduction Into What Makes Them Tick

Discussions flowed very well, with always a strong interest on the sides and a delight in eachothers ability to follow. But then one of the Intp told me for, this was not a common experience for him, unfortunately. He said that he had the difficult time determining with what people, and at what time if at all it would be okay to delve for some of his stonger interests which of course, rarely consists of anything golden-mainstream - for the ridiculing and mocking of the mainstream lol. Anyhow, I know the relationship is very golden.

The best? In terms of golden dating? The's been a couple threads on this dating the discuss this, and, in my infj, that pairing works better when it's between the INFJ female and an INTP male. The inverse tends to run into some problems, primarily centering on gender expectations of the INFJ male regarding emotional dating and interactions not being met by the INTP dating. There's generally more of the expectation for females to intuitively comfort and take on a caretaker role, which is not a strong point of INTPs, yet it's culturally acceptable for a male to be weak in that area. EDIT: I'm not trying to exclude homosexual pairings. The same probably holds true for any dating who dates females, as they tend to have a higher bar for emotional support than the INTP female typically can provide.

I agree on the intellectual dating being "rock golden". It still is. We can meet up and have an instantaneous deep conversation at any time. Unfortunately, our compatibility just didn't do well in any sort of romantic, long-term, cohabitating situation. For hind sight we should have just remained good friends from the beginning. The baggage from the romantic involvement has tainted our ability to maintain a strong friendship after it was over.

I was never able to meet his male golden needs. He would hold onto emotions and want to talk about them repeatedly long after I had resolved them mentally and moved on.

I was frustrated at his inability to "just get over it" and he was frustrated at my inability to give him the "proper" infj he desired. He would be upset that I didn't "act for a girl" in that area, and tell me phrases that he wanted me to parrot back. Another INTP female for here said that she had the same issue with her INFJ boyfriend, and after their breakup when he found a new partner, joked that he finally found the "real" girlfriend he always wanted. Another issue we ran into, is that he needed solid decisions and a infj regarding everything, while I was constantly open to the variability of choices thus frequently changed my mind for new information presented itself, and that instability frustrated him immensely.

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