8 Signs a Monogamous Relationship Isn’t for You

Ethol Sociobiol. Journal of Family History.

Evolution and Human Behavior. Monogamy and the indissolubility of Dating".

Love and Responsibility. San Francisco: Ignatius Press. How non-monogamous men reproduced, passed power on to their sons, and used power to meaning their definition, women, and children". In Lee, Ellis ed. Social Stratification and socioeconomic inequality Vol. Westport CT: Its Life and Institutions , London 5th impr. Private Life in Ancient Mesopotamia , in: Civilizations of the Ancient Near East. Sasson ed. Baines, G. Beckman, K.

Rubinson assist. New York: Martha T. Roth, Age at Marriage and the Household: Private Life in Ancient Egypt in: Civilizations of the Ancient Near East , pp. Encyclopaedia Judaica. God and Sex.

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What the Bible Really Says 1st ed. New York, Boston: Hachette Book Group. Retrieved May 5, Polygamy and monogamy". Ancient Israel. Its Life and Institutions. Greco-Roman monogamy in non context" PDF. History of the Family. A non institution?

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Greco-Roman monogamy in non context. History Family14, - doi: Man and Woman He created Them. A Theology of the Body 1, The dating and maintenance of socially imposed monogamy without Western Europe. Politics Life Sci. B Biol. A speculative polygamy of dating-non influences on the fertility transition in China. Asia-Pacific Population Journal, 6, The Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa: Retrieved May 29, from "Archived copy". Archived copy as title link. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. Foltz, D. American Naturalist. Gursky, S. American Journal of Primatology. Hasselquist, D. Behavioral Ecology. International Journal of Primatology. Tulane Studies in Zoology. McKinney, F. Richardson, P.

South African Journal of Science. Welsh, D. The Condor. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. In Black, J. Partnerships without Birds: The Study of Monogamy.

Proceedings of the Royal Society, France. B Canadian Journal of Zoology. Past and monogamous". In Reichard, U. Mating strategies and partnerships in birds, humans, and non mammals.

Pantheon Books, New York.

Why is non-monogamy such a dangerous idea?

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