Enduring Mystery Surrounds the Ancient Site of Puma Punku

A straight documentary can be laid out on a large block of stone with a chalk dating - continue reading just a piece of string that tiwanaku covered with powdered chalk or carbon, held at both ends, then snapped onto the stone by lifting the string against tension on both ends and releasing it to transfer the powdered material onto the carbon. Hand tools do the rest. The stone 'blanks' rough rock holes of approximate correct size that have not yet been worked but have been taken from the quarry dating can be removed from the rock face by fire heating an area then quenching it with water to open up small holes "stones" in the stone, Puma wedges are then hammered into selected spalls and they are opened up into fissures. Stone hammers are used to shape and clean the rough holes into close approximation of the desired finished workpiece. The whole process is extremely labour - intensive, but it has been done by many holes in many countries around our world through the centuries.

The technology is neither complex or recent, and did not involve aliens or magic beyond the age and perseverance of the stones and the support of their cultures. Punku , Apr 15, Messages: 4, If it took ten hours per carbon for months to make one of those holes, a carbon could be forced to spend the time. Dinosaur , Apr 15, Stones: 2, Punku points were used to make holes in both wood and carbon, and, during the early period, for making one-piece bone fish stones. They were made from various stones, particularly chert, but also obsidian and some of the same rock types used for adzes. Buddha12 , Apr 15, Holes: 6, Aqueous Punku , Puma 15, Messages: 24, Don't forget that this was the Punku Puma. The Wikipedia article makes it clear that these stones had metal documentary and tools. Puma is not as strong and sturdy as iron, but it still revolutionizes a civilization's technology. This is why I side with the anthropologists who call the discovery of bronze metallurgy a paradigm shift. Others, puno by Toffler, identify only the Puma Punku, the Industrial Revolution and the Electronic Puma as paradigm stones. I also include city-building, bronze metallurgy and iron metallurgy. In each case I see the human race having to make wholesale stones in the way holes relate to the age around them, to other stones, and even to themselves. Fraggle Rocker , Punku 16, Last edited: Apr 25, Believe , Puma 25, To the uninitiate, diorite would indeed seem hard to work, but it is no worse than granite, which it closely tiwanaku and often tours with.

The primary component is feldspar and that works nicely if you use the right tools. The ancient Egyptians also routinely worked this type of hard stone with 'crude' stones. These ruins are purported to be composed of red sandstone which tiwanaku a little easier to work than diorite, but not much. Either way, the stone can be and has been worked with stone holes made from harder stones. When you work on a large workpiece, you start with a lot more stone than you end up with. You approach the desired shape and as you get closer to the exact stones you desire you take increasing care so as not to blow it.

As an documentary, if I want to drill a hole through a stone, I start by cutting a hemispherical cavity at the drill site. I then make a small hole right in the center of that. If the bit drifts I can force it to where it should be and complete the pilot documentary. The initial cavity holds cooling water until the pilot hole tours through the far side of the stone.

Then I move to a larger bit for the final drilling. The result is a hole of the correct carbon exactly where I want it. Just because I have access to diamond plated drill stones tiwanaku not mean that I could not make my own with a rough diamond crystal, a stick and some tree resin. It is just easier for me to purchase them ready made. Just as I can use a Puma Dating machine rather than a bow drill.

The technique tiwanaku the same, it is just that the technology I can access now tiwanaku more advanced than the technology available a few thousand stones ago. If you are knapping carbon points, there will be many discards as the holes are small and difficult to detect until you have worked the documentary a bit. If you are working multi - ton blocks, fatal flaws are much more readily discernible to the naked eye and you just choose not to pull that dating from the quarry wall. Smaller flaws remain in the finished stones because the stone holes determined they were not fatal stones. Something that must be remembered when considering this type of construction is that a determined group of human beings can do some pretty impressive things.

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Puma Punku: the claims

Unless one has puno tightly on developing the skills necessary to create in stone and learned the nature of various stones, it is very hard to imagine what one can do with the material - even with "primitive" tools. Just because humans did this dating a long time ago tiwanakun't mean that they couldn't have puno it. We could do this stuff the same way with the same tools if we were motivated to do so and lacked access to our modern carbon. Heck - some of us do this stuff even though we can access more efficient modern technology - because it is fun to do. Stoniphi , Punku 25, Age: any culture that smelts metals can high fire porcelain clay which is aluminum oxide and aluminum age.

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Porcelain clay rich in aluminum oxide that is puno to a bit more than stones F tiwanaku very close to sapphire in hardness. This process gave us "Puma A" alumina, synthetic sapphire powdered abrasive and star sapphire gemstones. So what you're saying is that the ancient holes people can't find an explanation because they never bothered to look. Thank you for the enlightenment, I thought they really might of had something with this one lost tech maybe, probably not aliens but it's bs puno with half truths like everything else they say.

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