‘Sensory-friendly’ Santa experience at Southlands

Southlands shopping center and Autism Society of Colorado have joined hands this holiday to host a special Santa Claus experience for children with sensory processing disorders and autism from 8 to 10 a.m. Monday at the Santa Photo location in Southlands Town Square next to Ted’s Montana Grill at E-470 and Smoky Hill Road.

“Our sensory-friendly Santa environment will allow these children to experience the same enjoyment as others except in a much quieter, less intimidating setting,” said Joyce Rocha, director of marketing.

For so many children with autism and sensory processing disorders, visiting Santa Claus can create an enormous amount of anxiety.  Southlands will provide a dimly lit Santa surrounding to give children a private, one-on-one meet and greet with St. Nick to share their holiday wishes and take photos in a noise-reduced environment.

“Families affected by autism like to do the same things that typical families like to do. Visiting Santa is no exception. This is an amazing opportunity for the Colorado autism community and the Autism Society of Colorado is thrilled to collaborate with partners like Southlands,” said Kim Tenure, program and policy director, Autism Society of Colorado.

For more information, visit www.shopsouthlands.com.

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