The seen

May 18, 2015

My former colleague Dale Ulland (such a nice guy!), a Denver Post copy editor, recently had a close encounter of the celebrity kind. He posted this on Facebook:

“Oh, you know, was just browsing the shelves at Old Firehouse Books in Fort Collins, and this woman accidentally bumps into me – heck, I almost spilled my Diet Coke. She apologizes profusely, and I recognize her as . I ask how her book, “And the Good News Is …” is doing. She says, ‘Not bad.’ Long story short, we sit down at a nearby table and talk for what seems like an hour, all the while sharing some croissants and OJ. As I get up to leave, she asks, ‘Dale, would you like a signed copy of my New York Times list best-seller?’ I say, ‘Sure!’ (I mean, what else COULD I say?) And then she hands her cellphone to the store manager, who snaps a photo of us. Pretty cool. Celeste (Dale’s wife) and I hope to have her over for chips and salsa soon.”

Dale Ulland with Dana Perino (Dale Ulland Facebook photo)

Dale Ulland with Dana Perino, former White House press secretary for George W. Bush.  (Dale Ulland Facebook photo)

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