“The Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon’s peeps intercepted a live shot exchange between 9News meteorologist Kathy Sabine and anchor Kyle Clark discussing the weather forecast last week.
If you’ve caught their act before, you know that Sabine and Clark love to banter during the newscast. But for a 9News newbie, the exchange was a bit prickly.
Standing in the “backyard” set, Sabine says that something smells like orange blossoms. Clark retorted that he thought the odor was Sabine’s hairspray.
“You don’t have any product (in your hair)?” Sabine asked Clark as she stroked his locks.
Clark: “Don’t ever touch me again.”
Fallon’s line: “The forecast is cloudy with a chance of go to hell, Brenda.”
See for yourself at www.kbco.com/onair/the-bco-morning-show-49696/9-news-team-becomes-world-famous-13489876/
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