Doors Open Denver offers lookiloos free peeks of public places

April 24, 2015

Doors Open Denver, presented by Denver Architectural Foundation, which showcases Denver architecture, launches tours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at more than 50 buildings in Denver. The 2015 headquarters is located at Denver Union Station, 1700 Wynkoop St.

Doors Open Denver features more than 50 open sites that are free to the public to explore; sites incorporate interactive activities and exhibits. For descriptions, hours of operation and locations for open sites, visit

Doors Open Denver also offers Insider Tours. To purchase tickets for tours such as the Byron R. White U.S. Courthouse or a tour of Denver After Dark, among many others, visit Tickets also may be purchased at Denver Union Station beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Please note that some tours have sold out; popular tours will fill quickly; and tickets are limited to two tickets for two tours each day.

For more information about DOD, visit Engage with DOD on Facebook, Twitter (@denverarchfound) and Instagram (@denverarchitecture) using #DOD2015.


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