Essie Perlmutter honored by JEWISHcolorado

August 27, 2014

JEWISHcolorado, (formerly known as Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado) has awarded Essie Perlmutter with the 2014 Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award.  She will be presented the award at the International Lion of Judah Conference in New York City in Septembe.

The Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award honors women who exemplify the spirit of the Lion of the Judah through a proven commitment to their community.

Perlmutter has served on JEWISHcolorado’s executive board and women’s philanthropy committee. She chaired many JEWISHcolorado events including Choices and Super Sunday. The 40-year volunteer has been a Lion of Judah since its inception and created a Lion of Judah Endowment in 2004.

In addition to her involvement at JEWISHcolorado, Perlmutter is known for her significant impact in the larger Jewish and civic communities in Colorado. She has been honored by the Anti-Defamation League, Rocky Mountain Jewish Historical Society, Keshet of the Rockies, The Hebrew Educational Alliance and BMH-BJ: The Denver Synagogue.

An accomplished artist and interior designer, Perlmutter was appointed by Federico Pena to the Mayor’s Commission for Arts Culture and Film. For more information, visit

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