Corner Office punch bowls bring back community cocktails

November 21, 2013

Remember Trader Vic’s famous cocktail bowls meant for two to four folks? You’d gather around a liquor wading pool full of rum and tropical juices and suck down the bowl o’ beverage with a long straw.

The Corner Office at 14th and Curtis streets is bringing back the throwback punch bowls in themes that will rotate every few weeks.

The first punch bowl to be featured is “What the Dickens,” honoring Charles Dickens, an amateur craft bartender who was known to serve signature punch bowls at his dinner parties. What the Dickens, a recipe from bar manager Benjamin Anderson, is concoction of Gray Eclipse Rum, E & J Brandy, special bitters, pineapple juice and black tea.

Each punch bowl costs $45, serves 10 to 12 glasses per bowl, and is designed for groups of four or more.

Corner Office is serving throwback punch-bowl drinksfor up to four people, a la Trader Vic's. (Corner Office photos)

The Corner Office is serving throwback punch-bowl drinks for up to four people, a la Trader Vic’s. The first punch bowl to be featured is “What the Dickens,’ honoring Charles Dickens. (Corner Office photos)

TCO Punch Bowl Image