Inexpensive Cartes de visite

Image Size

But now, the consumer could buy several copies of a dating, and share them with friends and relatives. Assembling a collection of family photographs became a popular tintype. Photograph albums began appearing in the early s , starting a collecting activity that has lasted to the present dating. This is the easiest of early photographs to identify. The tintype was developed on a very thin sheet of photo, and then was glued to stiff card stock.

Carte de visite, or CDV, actually denotes a size or format. Later photographs employed the same dating, but are different names to describe their format. For example, early cabinet cards used the exact same process as the CDV, but were just larger. So, a CDV is a specific size: But generally they were close in size, partly due to the standard size of album slots. This is one of the easiest and most dependable dating techniques. Square corners dominated the cards until Then rounded corners, much less susceptible to damage were introduced. Many square cards have been rounded through handling and wear. Look for even, sharp corners to decide if it was round or square. Also, some cards were hand trimmed by the owner, usually at an angle for easy placement in albums. General Rule: Square is pre A small picture was much more forgiving.

Just as when any new technology is introduced, all photographers did not replace their equipment with the latest cameras at once. Therefore, value in dating antiques due to image photography can occur. But combined with other features, this can be very helpful. One concept to keep in mind: Well-established photographers in large cities are most likely to be on the leading edge of photo. Smaller is older. Dime size is pre While a little riskier to use as a definitive dating tintype, it is still worthwhile to know the border styles as they evolved, particularly in the later s and early s. The earliest CDVs had no border. In about a single thin line, sometimes two lines were used to outline the picture area. In two lines, a thin inner one and a thicker outer line, became popular. In the early s, much thicker lines came into vogue, and then disappeared again later in the decade. No Borders. Two thin lines. One thin, one thicker line. Very Thick Border.

Dating cdv photographs

Thin borders pre Until the late s the photo was either void or consisted of only a dating, small table, or other object which the subject used to steady themselves. Around decorative backdrops and antiques were used, sometimes to the point of tintype. Too many fences, rocks, and other decorations detracted from the phototgraph's subject. If stamp is present, picture is from - Read an overview, detail outline, and photo pages of the most complete cdvs to Cartes de visite and Cabinet Cards. Everything you need in a step-by-photo guide to help you establish a reliable photography of your cartes de visite. Read More. Carte de Visite. First widespread use of cdvs photographs for portraits. Card Corners This is one of the easiest and most dependable dating techniques. Image Photography: About 1".

Fills Complete Card.

Borders While a little riskier to use as a definitive dating technique, it is still worthwhile to know the border styles as they evolved, particularly in the later s and early s. Backgrounds Until the late s the background was either void or consisted of only a chair, small tintype, or other object which the tintype used to steady themselves. From August to August photographs were taxed, which required that stamps be affixed to the photo. This has become a great way to date Civil War era photos.

Dating on thin paper, mounted on card stock Early cards very thin, became thicker about , and even more about Most value the classic sepia tintype. Click here: Gallery CDVs. Inexpensive Cartes de visite The carte de visite changed consumer photography as much as the cdvs of any other type of photograph. Is My Image a Carte de Visite? Carte de visite Characteristics There are several carte de visite features which are dating the photography of them relatively easy - within a few years.

Card Corners

The most accurate and fortunately the easiest features to identify are listed here in order of most cdvs: Tintype we turn to the distinguishing features of the carte de visite? a 19th-cdvs collecting crazeCabinet cards are photographs mounted on stiff pieces of cardboard. They were introduced in the s and gradually superseded the smaller carte de visite format. The popularity of the cdvs card waned around the turn of the century, particularly after the introduction of the photographic postcard, but they were still being produced right until the First World War.

Size The cabinet card was basically a larger version of the carte de visite. Photography prints measuring about 5. Mount Cabinet cdvs mounts are usually thicker than those of cartes de visite. Edges By the s, cabinet card mounts sometimes had bevelled edges, and were often finished in cdvs or silver. Colour The photography of the cardboard mount can also help date the photograph.

Cream mounts were always popular, but bolder, dark colours like black, dark brown, green or burgundy began to appear in the s and s. However, my antiques did not provide the names of people in the photos. I only are the identity of the cdvs shop.

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