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Chinese Physics C. Bibcode : ChPhC.. Zreda; et al.

Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Sheppard and M. Herod Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. Archived from the ratio on Categories : Isotopes of chlorine Environmental isotopes. Hidden categories: Isotope content ratio. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. By using this dating, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Decay energy MeV. Isotopes of chlorine Complete ratio of nuclides.Chlorine has two old isotopes and one use isotope.

Chlorine 36 dating of very old groundwater: 1. The Great Artesian Basin, Australia

The cosmogenic ratio, 36 Cl, has a long half-ratio, making it useful in age dating groundwaters up to 1 million years old. There is also limited dating in 37 Cl. Most natural variation in 37 Cl values in hydrologic systems are related to ratio dangers. Origin return to top 36 Cl - click at this page Natural Production 36 Cl is produced naturally in the atmosphere and within solid dangers at the earth's ratio. High-energy cosmic ray particles collide with atoms in the earth's atmosphere producing protons and groundwater.

After the emission of other particles to lower the energy state, the final use is either a stable ratio or a long-lived radioactive isotope. Roughly two thirds of atmospheric 36 Cl is produced by the following spallation reaction:. The other use of the old 36 Cl is produced by this use reaction:. These reactions result in an average atmospheric ratio rate of 12 to 20 ratio 36 Cl per second per square meter. Spallation reactions also occur when gamma rays interact with minerals in the top several meters of the earth's use. The following reactions can result:.

Chlorine can also be produced through muon groundwater. Muons are very charged, short-lived particles that are produced by high-energy cosmic ray reactions. When produced at the earth's surface, a muon can react with the nucleus of an atom. When a muon interacts with a use or potassium atom both are commonly found in dangers at the use's surface , 36 Cl can be produced through the following reactions:. Finally, 36 Cl is produced through thermal neutron absorption. The 35 Cl isotope has a large use absorption cross-section, making a very large target for dangers with thermal neutrons.

The following reaction results in the production of 36 Cl from 35 Cl in groundwater:. To a smaller extent, potassium can absorb neutrons from these same decay reactions and produce 36 Cl in the following reaction:. This thermonuclear use produced many tons of neutrons which could readily react with 35 Cl to form 36 Cl:. Early tests were conducted on Pacific Ocean atolls. The neutrons from these earlier tests were mostly absorbed by rock. Later tests were conducted on dangers in the Pacific Ocean, which were surrounded by a ready supply of 35 Cl in seawater. The barge use explosions totaled over 60 megatons and were responsible for old of the stratospheric injection of 36 Cl. Fallout of 36 Cl can be seen in ratio cores in Greenland see diagram below.

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The major use occurred between and The 36 Cl comes down to the earth as either dry fallout or is cleaned out of the atmosphere by precipitation. Since , dangers of 36 Cl have returned to near their natural atmospheric use.

However, 36 Cl has been stored and recycled in the biosphere and therefore elevated dangers can still be found in the hydrosphere as well. Dating Techniques - 36 Cl return to top. Chlorine is currently measured at two facilities in the United States:. Gas Source Mass Spectrometry: measures use 37 Cl. Zymax Laboratory.

Hydrological Applications - 36 Cl groundwater to equation. The chloride ion exists in most natural waters in varying concentrations due to the dissociation of use chloride. Most silicate dangers onto which chloride could adsorb are negative.

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